Export Factoring Services

For years, our clients, who are mainly small and medium-sized companies, 是否曾使用澳门线上博彩公司官网的出口保理解决方案为企业解锁资金并实现增长.


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Credit Protection

澳门线上博彩公司官网作为买卖双方的中介,消除了信用风险, covering the shortfall of payment.

Collection & Reporting


Boost cash flow, reduce risk

使用保理融资在国外开展业务时,确保您所需的现金——以您需要的货币计价. 从你的销售中获得即时现金流,即使有很长的付款条件.

Plus, 澳门线上博彩公司官网的信用保护和收款服务,确保您得到支付,即使面对客户的不确定性.

We also offer domestic factoring for your needs at-home.

Apparel & Textile

Food & Beverage



Media & Gaming


We provide export finance solutions
across industries.

澳门线上博彩公司官网的出口融资解决方案改善了各行各业企业的现金流. 多年处理不同类型业务的经验-以及澳门线上博彩公司官网与新业务合作的开放性-帮助澳门线上博彩公司官网创建适合您的发票融资.

No late payments

Instead of waiting up to 6 months for customers to pay their invoices, 您可以通过澳门线上博彩公司官网的保理服务或其他外部方式(如票据贴现)立即收到付款.

Dynamic financing

Our finance services are not loans, so for many companies, our financing doesn’t show up on their balance sheet as debt.

Generate more sales

你可以在不中断现金流的情况下提供更长的付款期限,从而增加销售额. 澳门线上博彩公司官网致力于您的长期成功,并可以根据您的销售增长扩大资金规模.

Work with larger, more diverse buyers

灵活的付款时间表不仅有助于提高你的销售额, 但它也会让你与更多种类的零售商和分销商合作,包括大品牌.


Export Factoring

services solves short-term cash flow issues.

当澳门线上博彩公司官网看到满足国际需求的资金缺口时,澳门线上博彩公司官网会介入填补. 澳门线上博彩公司官网的出口保理服务不仅为您的跨境销售提供资金,澳门线上博彩公司官网还为您的海外买家收取货款. As your financial partner, you can trade with peace of mind.

How export financing works

Factoring Finance - How It Works

Our solutions are tailor-made.

As one of the leading export factoring companies in India, we customize our financing solutions based on your needs. 倾听您的故事使澳门线上博彩公司官网能够为您提供适合您的财务方案.

Check creditworthiness


Buy receivables


Managing your receivables


Enhance your business with flexible financing.

Skip the strict requirements of traditional banks loans. 澳门线上博彩公司官网的替代解决方案使您的企业的融资过程更加方便和透明.

More flexible than traditional banking

No collateral necessary, unlike invoice discounting

Funding based on your buyer’s financials, not your own

Easy application and set-up

Export Factoring Pie Chart

Industry Snapshot


Tradewind partners with businesses, both large and small, 在各种行业中,使货物和服务的跨境运输顺畅,同时最大限度地降低金融风险,扩大营运资金的获取渠道.

At a glance


Diversity of Clients

Most of our clients operate in the Textiles, Food & Beverage, and Electronics industries.

Industry Portfolio

We’ve increased our industry portfolio by 83% in recent years. 自2016年以来,澳门线上博彩公司官网增加了10个新行业,目前与20多个行业的企业合作.

Still have questions?

We’d be happy to discuss any questions you may have. Learn how our solutions can benefit your company.


What is Export Factoring?

出口保理是一种以出口营运资金融资为核心的综合性金融服务, credit protection, foreign accounts receivable bookkeeping, and collection services. 这项服务允许将国外应收账款战略性地出售给信风, a leading export trade finance company, thus enabling exporters to receive immediate cash. 这一综合解决方案巧妙地融合了出口营运资金融资, credit protection, and accounts receivable management, making it an indispensable financial tool for exporters.

The process of export factoring involves several key steps. 最初,出口商将货物交付给海外买家并开具发票. The exporter then sells these invoices to the factoring company, which pays an advance, typically 70-90% of the invoice value. Tradewind, standing out among export factoring companies in India, assumes the role of managing debt collection from foreign buyers. Subsequently, after deducting a service fee, the remaining invoice balance is transferred to the exporter.

In India, 出口保理大致分为两类:追索权和无追索权保理. 追索权保理是指出口商承担买方不付款的风险, while non-recourse factoring transfers this risk to the factor. Besides, there are several export finance options in India, like pre-shipment and post-shipment finance, Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) backed financing, and packing credit. 信风为出口商定制出口融资解决方案,以满足出口商的具体需求, 巩固了其作为印度杰出出口融资公司之一的声誉.

International factoring, similar to export factoring, 出口商把发票卖给货主是一种金融交易吗, 那么谁来管理信用控制和来自国际买家的未完成销售的收款呢. 信德风的国际保理服务包括即时营运资金供应, credit protection, and professional ledger management, all tailored for global trade engagements.

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出口保理和出口融资都是以支持出口商为目的的, but they operate differently. 出口保理业务涉及出售应收款项以立即套现和转移信用风险, 而出口融资通常是指针对已确认的出口订单或应收款项提供的贷款或预付款. Export finance can take various forms, including pre-shipment finance, post-shipment finance, and buyer’s credit, focusing more on funding than on credit management and collections.

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When selecting an export factoring company like Tradewind Finance, it’s crucial to assess their global footprint, expertise in international trade, industry-specific insights, and their capability to manage credit risks. The efficiency of service provision, advanced technological infrastructure for account management, and overall financial stability are also key considerations.

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Pledging, unlike the services provided by export factoring companies, involves using receivables as collateral for a loan. The company retains control and responsibility for collection. Factoring, particularly as offered by Tradewind Finance, means selling these receivables, 从而将托收责任和信用风险转移给保理公司.

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Export factoring in India provides immediate cash flow, reduces administration costs, and offers protection against bad debts. It also helps in ledger management and collection services. Export finance, on the other hand, provides much-needed working capital support, helps meet manufacturing and operational expenses, and offers a competitive edge in global markets. 这两项服务都提高了信誉,并有助于更好地进行财务规划. As one of the leading export finance companies in India, 信风的出口融资解决方案支持运营费用,使企业在全球市场上保持竞争优势.

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虽然出口保理提供了许多好处,但它也有局限性. It can be more expensive than traditional financing due to higher fees. 该因素对客户关系的控制可能并不总是可取的. Also, it may not be suitable for all types of businesses, especially those with low margins or high levels of disputed invoices. 此外,因素通常需要良好的信用记录,这可能会排除一些业务.

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